Myron Zucker Travel Grant
Do you know an Engineer-In-Training/Junior Engineer or a soon-to-be graduate? Are you interested in helping a new engineer further their career by learning about advanced technology and provide the opportunity to network with professionals in the Petroleum and Chemical Industry?
Then we have you covered!
The Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference's (PCIC) mission is to provide an international forum for the exchange of electrical applications technology related to the petroleum and chemical industry, to sponsor appropriate IEEE Standards activity for that industry, and to provide opportunity for professional development.
Every year, PCIC arranges with the IEEE Industrial Applications Society (IAS) to sponsor a few Co-op/Interns, students or recent graduates to attend the Conference through the Myron Zucker Travel Grant.
The Myron Zucker Travel Grant is administered by the First Time Attendees (FTA) / Engineers Development Subcommittee (EDS) and provides the following benefits for the winning recipients:
· Free Conference Registration
· Free Hotel Registration
· $600 Travel Allowance
· One Free Tutorial
For IEEE IAS PCIC 2024 Orlando (Sept 16 - 19) requirements and application form, click here. It is recommended to use Google Chrome as the web browser.
Submit application by July 31st, 2024.
For any questions or concerns, contact
Please provide this information to any interested parties or individuals you feel are deserving of a great learning experience.